Fort Smith, AR (3-15-2025)
Twisted Cat Outdoors Official Rules
(Fort Smith, AR - March 15th, 2025)
These rules have been established to promote fairness, safety, conservation, and the responsible handling of fish. Our goal is to advance the sport and set a positive example for all.
These events may be recorded for possible video production and distribution. Entries may not be sold, bartered, or transferred without the written consent of a tournament official.
Twisted Cat Outdoors regular season event entry fees are $300, featuring a 100% payback, plus an additional $500 added to the Big Fish Pot by Castaway Midwest.
Entry Fees / Refunds
- Entry Fee: $300 (plus a $15 processing fee for online payments). Register online at
- Alternative Payment Methods: Entry fees can be paid by check ($300) or in cash if paid by the Monday before the event.
- Refunds/Transfers: Entry fees (minus processing fees) may be refunded or transferred to another event with a $25 fee if requested at least 10 days prior. No refunds or transfers will be accepted within 10 days of the event.
Mailing Address for Checks:
Alex Nagy
705 North 4th St.
Warsaw, IL 62379 - Late Entry: A late entry fee of $325 (cash) or $340 (online) will apply to entries made within 5 days of the event, at the Captains Meeting, or prior to launch.
Captain’s Meeting
Join us for a non-mandatory Captain’s Meeting to register, socialize with fellow anglers, and enjoy food, drinks, and merch sales. If there’s enough participation, we’ll also host a Calcutta!
Date: Friday, March 14th
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Rules discussion at 6:00 PM)
Location: The Bakery District
(70 South 7th St.) Fort Smith, AR 72901
While attendance is not required, we encourage you to join us to support the local area and welcome new anglers to the sport.
Boat Check and Launch
Boat check and launch will begin at 5:00 AM @ (The Bakery District) located at 70 South 7th St. Fort Smith, AR 72901. After your boat is checked, you may leave. Teams may begin moving once the boat is launched, but fishing is not allowed until 7:00 AM (cast netting for bait is allowed). - Tournament/Trailering Boundaries Tournament Boundries will be Pool 12,13,14, & 15 & Robert S. Kerr Reservoir. You are allwoed to launch boat at any public boat ramp in these pools.
Tournament Hours
Tournament hours will be from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Lines in the water at 7:00 AM, lines out at 3:00 PM. You must be in the weigh-in line by 4:30 PM. -
Pre-fishing is allowed up until 6:00 PM on the day before the event. After this time, all boats must be off tournament waters. Tournament waters are defined as any water that can be accessed on the day of the event. -
Weigh-in Limits
A maximum of 5 fish per boat is allowed at the weigh-in with 2 over 30 & 3 under 30 inches -
Rod Limits
A maximum of 10 rods may be in use, with no limit on rods in the boat. -
Team Size
Teams are limited to a maximum of three people. Additional members are allowed only if they are 12 years old or younger, and if the boat's capacity is not exceeded. -
All children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. -
Life Vests
Life vests are encouraged to be worn while underway.
Sportsmanship, Conduct, and Equipment
Fishing Method
Fish may only be caught by rod and reel. -
Any legal bait (artificial or natural) permitted by the state may be used. -
Good sportsmanship is expected from all participants before, during, and after the tournament. -
Disorderly Conduct
Any disorderly conduct will be grounds for disqualification. -
Eligible Fish
Only blue catfish, channel catfish, or flathead catfish may be weighed. -
Dead Fish
Dead fish are not allowed on the weigh-in stage and will disqualify your team if presented. -
No culling of fish is allowed after the boat has been removed from the water. -
No snagging will be allowed. -
Foul Hooked Fish
No foul-hooked fish will be accepted (a foul hook is any hook behind the gill plate). -
No chumming. -
Baited Holes
No fishing intentionally baited holes. -
Distance Between Boats
All tournament boats must maintain 50 yards while anchored and 50 feet while drifting or spot locked. This rule applies to all boats. -
Buddy Fishing
Buddy fishing or sharing of information about techniques, baits, locations, etc., during tournament hours is strictly prohibited. -
Fishing Position
No fishing outside of the boat. -
Substance Restrictions
No alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or illegal substances are allowed on board or used during tournament hours.
Safety and Equipment
Weather Conditions
Due to possible inclement weather, all boat captains must decide for themselves and their team if it is safe to launch and proceed. Twisted Cat Outdoors will continue the event unless the director(s) and 5 randomly selected team captains determine the conditions to be unsafe. -
Live Wells
A live well is required. Live wells are recommended to be a minimum of 50 gallons, though the tournament director will determine if a live well is adequate for fish care. The director reserves the right to disqualify a team if the live well is deemed insufficient. -
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is the responsibility of boat owners. Proof of insurance must be with the boat and cover all passengers.
Fish Handling and Weigh-In Procedures
Handling of Fish
We encourage the use of a gripper and/or gloves for handling fish at weigh-in. Larger fish are encouraged to be handled by two anglers. -
Fish Drop
Dropping fish at weigh-in is discouraged. -
Weigh-In Care
All fish must be placed into weigh totes with care. No throwing or mishandling will be tolerated.
General Rules
Rule Amendments
Twisted Cat Outdoors reserves the right to amend or change any rule for safety or other reasons. -
Polygraph Exam
All participants are subject to a polygraph exam. Refusal to take the exam will result in disqualification, and failure to pass will disqualify you. -
Ties will be decided by the team with the largest documented fish. If both teams' largest fish are undocumented, a coin flip will break the tie. -
All protests must be submitted in writing before the awards ceremony. No protests will be accepted after this point. -
Social media
Live feeds on social media are allowed and encouraged. However, avoid revealing too much relevant information during tournament hours. -
All state and federal rules must be followed. Anglers are responsible for determining which licenses are required.
Waiver / Release of Liability for Twisted Cat Outdoors LLC
By entering any Twisted Cat Outdoors event, I acknowledge that my team has read and understood the rules. I understand that participation is voluntary and assume all associated risks, including injury, death, weather incidents, boat traffic, and river conditions. I waive, release, and discharge Twisted Cat Outdoors LLC, Alex Nagy, and all sponsors, officials, workers, and volunteers from any and all claims or liability for death, personal injury, or property damage arising from my participation in this event. I also grant permission to the listed sponsors and agents to use any photographs, videos, or other records of the event for any reasonable purpose.